SMART Automation

SMART Automation AS has a history dating back to 1978, when the company was started under the name A/S Steinco. After several years with different owners, the company is back in the hands of local investors from 2020. The company has changed its name a few times over the years. SMART Automation delivers integrated automation systems and hybrid power solutions to shipyards and shipowners.


SMART Automation AS is providing products and services, mainly to the marine and aquaculture market. Main product categories are Integrated Automation Systems (IAS), Power Management System (PMS) and Power Solutions – both hybrid and fully electric.

Skilled employees are our strength. Experienced engineers been with us for decades, working together with young employees, make a strong team behind our deliveries. Our own R&D department has developed the software for our automation systems.

In SMART Automation we are focusing on finding the right solution for every individual customer whether new-build or retrofit. Our project engineers have great experience in interfacing third part equipment, saving our customers valuable project time.

Awareness of the environmental impact from the shipping industry, demands new solutions. To meet this challenge, we support shipowners doing calculations and analysis to find the right configuration.

SMART Automation AS

John Kåre Torkelsen

John Kåre Torkelsen

Managing Director

Rigmor Lønning

Rigmor Lønning

Project Department Manager

Håkon Tulloch

Håkon Tulloch

Sales Manager

Jan Olav Nerland

Jan Olav Nerland

Sales Manager

Nelly M. Myhre

Nelly M. Myhre

Service Department Manager

Svein Egil Steinsbø

Svein Egil Steinsbø

Purchase and Production Manager

Brit Sætre

Brit Sætre

Finance Manager